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jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Reported speech

Reported speech

      This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation.
 If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. 
Therefore, you can increase your learning.

If you have not a dictionary of translate English <=> Spanish, here DOWNLOAD FREE.
I am ill, please tell mum

What did he say?
He said that he was ill. Do not worry I will look after him
It worked! She believed

Reported speech is to tell somebody what a person said to you. Look:

        Monica says to Andres:
        I am ill. "(Normal speech)"    
        Andres says to Monica mum:
        He said that he was ill. (Reported speech)

This is important. if you remember this, reported speech will be easy. When you use reported speech, you go back a tense. Look:

        Speaker                        Reporter
        I am ill                            He said that he was ill
        I want some milk            She said that she wanted some milk 
        We like chocolate           They said that they liked chocolate

In reported speech the verbs can and will change to could and would 

        I can not go to school                 He said he could not go to school
        We will stay at home                   They said they would stay at home

When you use reported speech you have to change the pronouns. Look:

    I can not move my arms
    He said he could not move hit arms
    I want your sweets
    She said she wanted my sweets 

What is the difference ?

You can use that reported speech, but it does not matter if you leave it out.
    Monica said he was ill.
    Monica said that he was ill

  Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.


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