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lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Going to - Will

Going to - Will

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

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What do you usually think if you see a friend packing a suitcase? In the suitcase there are sunglasses, travel books and sun cream. You think they are going to go on holiday: It is not unusual.
Lots of people do it every year.

But did you know that in thirty years time you won´t go on holiday to Spain, or Italy, or even the Caribbean. Why not? Because you will go on holiday to the moon. Scientists think you will need a spacesuit, 
not bathing suits!

Going To

Going to is to talk about the future when you know what will happen next because of what you can see happening now.

   You are going to go on holiday.
   (I can see that you are packing a suitcase)
   It is going to be a hot day.
   (I can see that the sun is shining.)

This is how you make going to:
   He is going to go skiing.
   You are going to be tired tomorrow
   It is not going to be cold today
   They are not going to go to Mars

This is how you make will
  I will be in China next week.
  We will travel into space in the future
  I won´t be at school on Friday
  They won´t send rockets to Venus

Will and Won´t

Will and won´t are to tell people about things in the future

   I will be on holiday next week
   I won´t be in England
   We will see our friends next month

Will and won't are also to say what you think or guess will happen in the future.

   Tourists will stay in hotels on the moon.
   = I think they will stay in hotels but I am not sure.
   Some people won´t like the moon 
   = I do not think everybody will like the moon but I am not sure
Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.

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