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viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Past perfect simple

Past perfect simple

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

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The past perfect simple is to say that one thing happened before another thing happened
   When Monica got to school the teacher had gone.
   = First the teacher left before Monica arrived.
   The teacher left before Monica arrived.

   When Carlos arrived at the football field the match had started. 
   = First the match started, then Carlos arrived at the field. 
   The match started before Andres arrived.

There are words called past participles. You need them to make the past perfect simple.

   Base verb         Past simple           Past participle
   Work                 worked                    worked
   Smile                  smiled                      smiled

Be careful! Some past participles are not so easy

   eat                    ate                       eaten
   sing                   sang                    sung

How to Past perfect simple


The past perfect simple is easy to make. It is the same for everybody

Use would (had) or (had not) + past participle

Positive +            Negative -

I would seen        I had not seen
You would seen   You had not seen 
He would seen     He had not seen 
She would seen    She had not seen 
It would seen        It had not seen
We would seen     we had not seen
You would seen    you had not seen
They would seen   they had not seen       

Question                  Short answer

Had I seen?               Yes, I had        OR    No, I had not        
Had you seen?           Yes, You had   OR    No, You had not
Had he seen?             Yes, He had     OR    No, He had not
Had she seen?           Yes, She had    OR    No, She had not
Had it seen?               Yes, It had       OR    No, It had not
Had we seen?            Yes, We had    OR    No, We had not
Had they seen?           Yes, They had  OR   Not, they had not

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