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lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Sustantivos que son "nouns"

Sustantivos que son "nouns"

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

If you have not a dictionary of translate English <=> Spanish, here DOWNLOAD FREE.

You can count most nouns. use a singular verb with one, and a plural verb with two or more.

One (singular)                                     Two or more (Plural)

The boy is naughty                               Oranges are nice.
A bicycle has got two wheels               Sweets taste good

There are nouns you can not count. always use a singular ver with nouns you can not count.

    This cheese is tasty
    Milk tastes good
    This water feels cold


You can use these words with singular nouns

  a, an, the

  There is a taxi outside the airport
  The airport is full of people

You can use these words with plural nouns

   The, some, any, a few

There are some people looking for their suitcase
Are there any taxis?
There air a few comics in mo´s suitcase

You can use these words with nouns you can not count:

   the, some, any, much

   Look! There is the luggage
   Mo, would you like some milk?
   Is there any juice?

Nouns en ingles

You already know a lot of nouns you can not count.
Now learn these ones. They are important.

   advice          Not    an advice  or advices
   information   Not    an information or informations
   luggage         Not    a luggage or luggages
   traffic            Not    a traffic or traffics
   work            Not     a work or works
   music            Not     a music  or musics
   rain               Not     a rain  or rains
  weather         Not     a weather or weathers
  spaghetti        Not     a spaghetti or spaghettis
  news              Not     a news or newses

I would like some advice, please.
Do you like spaghetti?
He is got a lot of luggage

Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.


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