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jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

present perfect simple - past simple

Present perfect simple - Past simple

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

If you have not a dictionary of translate English <=> Spanish, here DOWNLOAD FREE.

Use the present perfect simple, NOT the past simple, when you want to talk about things that have happened. look: 

   Monica has caught hundreds of fish.
   (In her life, Monica has caught hundreds of fish. It is not important when he caught the fish.)

Use the past simple, not the present perfect simple, to talk about things that are finished.

   Monica caught a fish this morning.
   (This is a fact about the past. It´s finished but you know when it happened.)

Present perfect simple

This is the present perfect simple:

   I have caught hundreds of fish 
   He has not caught any fish
   Have you ever caught a fish?

This is the past simple

   I caught a fish yesterday.
   He did not catch any fish last week
   Did he catch a fish?

Present perfect simple - Past simple

There is one verb that behaves badly! It is got two past participles.
Be careful when you use it in the present perfect simple.

   Base verb     Past simple     Past participle 
   Go                Went             Gone or Been

Look at the difference

  Monica has gone fishing. = Monica is not here now, he is out fishing 
  Monica has been fishing  = Monica went out fishing, but he is back now 

Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.

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