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miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Somebody, nothing and anywhere

Somebody, nothing and anywhere 

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

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Some and no are for positive sentences any is for questions and negative sentences

   There are some apples in the kitchen
   There are no eggs in the fridge
    Is there any milk?
   There is not any cheese

You can use some, no and any with body, thing and where to talk about people, things and places

   People           Things           Places

Somebody        something      somewhere
Nobody            nothing           nowhere
Anybody           anything         anywhere

Somebody has hidden my boots!
There is nothing in the cupboard
I can not find my boots anywhere


Use somebody, something, and somewhere in positive sentences.

   Somebody has hidden my boots!
   = A person has hidden my boots, but I do not know WHO.
   Snapper gave Milly something yesterday.
   =Snapper gave a thing to Milly, but I do not know WHAT.
   My boots are somewhere in my room.
   = My boots are in my room, but I do not know WHERE


Use nobody, nothing and nowhere in positive sentences
   Nobody will help me.
   =There is not a person who will help me.
   there is nothing in the fridge
   = The fridge is empty
   Where are you going Snapper? "Nowhere"
   = Snepper is straying here.


Use anybody, anything, and anywhere in questions and negative sentences.

   Is there anybody in the house?
   = Is there a person in the house?
   There is not anything in the cupboard
   = There is nothing in the cupboards.
   Andres can not find his boots anywhere
   = He is looked in a lot of places, but he can not find them

Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.

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