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lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Articles en Ingles

Articles en Ingles

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

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How to use Articles 

   1. Articles 

Use "A" before a consonant and "AN" before a vowel when you are talking about singular nouns.

    There is a pound in Splodge´s garden
    I am going to buy an umbrella

Be careful! There are different:

    a useful book    NOT   an useful book
    a uniform          NOT   an uniform
    an hour             NOT   a hour

Indefinit article

Articulos en ingles ejemplos


"a" and "an" can tell you what a person, animal or thing is.

   I am a pupil                    She is an actress.
   that is an elephant.          This is a house

It is got for wheels and an engine. It is a car.
It is got a very long neck. It is got four legs. It is a giraffe.
She looks after animals that are ill. She is a veterinary.
It is full of water and you swim in it. It is a swimming pool.


When you want to talk about musical instruments that you play, use the

   I play the guitar.       My brother plays the dreams.

I play the saxophone 
He plays the guitar
You play the bass

A and AN can mean "every". Look at these expressions

      Twice a week, once an hour, three times a day, four times a year

       I go to the dentist´s once a year. = One time every year.
       He sees his friends twice a week. = Two times every week
       The bell rings three times an hour. = Three times every hour

Use a or an when you want to say that there are lots of things that are the same. Look:

       What is that? "Oh, it is an elephant".
        There are lots of elephants. This one is not special.
        "What are you doing?"
        "Nothing important. I am just writing a book"
        I have written lots of books. this one is not special.

Use the when the person you are talking to knows what you are talking about. Look:

       Yuck! What is that? It is the cake I made this morning.
       You know I was making a cake this morning.
       Where are you? I am in the garden writing my book.
       You know which garden. It is our garden.

Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.


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