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martes, 28 de abril de 2020

adjectives en ingles

Adjectives en ingles

          This blog is dedicated to that you can learn English. We have two topics important, you can use any conversation. If you can learn easily, I recommend study every day, for two hours per 3 months. You must make a written of each session. Therefore, you can increase your learning.

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The most dangerous fish in all the sea is bigger than you and fatter than me. His teeth are as sharp as a butcher´s knife and his tail is as long as a train. he is hungrier than a dinosaur but I can not remember his name!

Comparative adjectives are to talk about the difference between three or more people, animals or things.

          He is bigger than you.    He is fatter than me.

Superlative adjectives are to talk about the difference between three or more people, animals or things

   He is the most dangerous fish in the sea
   This is the smallest boat in the harbour.

To make the comparative and superlative of most one-syllable adjectives ADD er and est to the adjective.

Adjective                       Comparative                        Superlative

Small                             Smaller                                 The smallest
Great                             Greater                                 The greatest
Old                                Older                                    The oldest

But be careful when you sell theses:

Fat                                 fatter                                     The fallest
Big                                 Bigger                                   The biggest
Nice                               Nicer                                    The nicest
Wide                              Wider                                    The widest

To make the comparative and superlative of most adjectives with more than one syllable: add more or most

Adjective                       Comparative                        Superlative 

Careful                            More careful                          The most careful
Dangerous                       More dangerous                    The most dangerous
Expensive                        More expensive                     The most expensive

Some adjectives with more than one syllable end in y.
Change y to I add er or est

Adjetice                           Comparative                          Superlative

Easy                                  easier                                      The easiest
Funny                                funnier                                     The funniest
Heavy                                heavier                                    The heaviest

Some adjectives behave badly! You should know theses ones but if you do not learn them now.

Good                                 better                                      the best
bad                                    worse                                      the worst
far                                      further                                     the furthest                                                

Sometimes you want to say that there is not a difference between the people, animals, and things that you are talking about. They are the same. You can use as ..... as to do this. Look:

    He is as tall as I am. = we are both the same height.
    His tail is as long as a train. = His tail is the same length as a train.

You can also use not as.... as to say that there is a difference. Look:
    A jellyfish is not as poisonous as a lion fish. = A lion fish is more poisonous.
    He is not as clever as me. = I am cleverer than he is.

Thanks for your attention. You can write in the comments. I can help you.

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